I’m sure you’ve heard of power pumping to help increase your supply. It’s suggested in all the mommy groups. Power pumping may be used as a safe way to increase your milk supply. If you missed a few sessions, just ended your cycle, prescribed a medication that caused a dip, or had a rough day at work and couldn’t pump, a few power pumping sessions may get you back to where you want to be. If there is no clear reason to why your supply may have taken a dip, reach out to a lactation professional to rule out any other issues.
Let us get to what I have found to work for quite a few moms. Power pumping works best with consistency. I suggest that moms power pump 3 times a day, for 3 days. If possible, pump at the same times each day for those 3 days. I also suggest hands-on pumping to maximize output. Typically, by the third day, moms notice an increase in supply. It can be hard for busy moms to stick to the routine those 3 days but try to stick as close to the same times as possible. You do not have to turn your pump volume up high for power pumping to work. If you experience nipple pain, cracking, or any discomfort from pumping seek a breastfeeding professional to assist with flange sizes and to observe your breast while pumping.